Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Lord, Reign In Me"

So as I was sitting trying to get some paperwork done for work earlier today. I was listening to the song "Lord, Reign in Me" by Brenton Brown. And felt like there was something to say about it so I wanted to share it on here. It all started earlier this morning as I woke up, I felt an impression upon my heart to read Genesis 1-5. Why 1-5? Not sure exactly, but what I saw next through out those pages was rather shocking.

Reading the accounts of our ancestors from the beginning of creation, I saw a God who if anyone would have been busy it would of been Him, creating and orchestrating, structuring and putting in order a huge mess, such as the entire universe. But then, leading by example shows us how much of a priority it is to rest, and not just to stop. What He is showing us here is, to take time to rest in Him, to seek His face and marvel at who He is and how amazingly good and kind this awesome God is. Also, as I read a bit of commentary in my Study Bible, I also noticed how there can be two types of people. Those who are faithful to God and those who are not. It's simple, we get to choose what & where we set our hearts on.

"Over every thought, over every word
May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord
Cause you mean more to me than any earthly thing
So won't you reign in me again" Brenton Brown

What our hearts are set on matters, because this is the basis of having a single minded heart towards God. To walk uprightly before Him. (see Ps. 86:11 & Ps. 84:11) All of our affection and all of our attention should be held in highest regard towards God. He is supreme. He is absolute. He is power. He is Love. He is everything and all we need. He is our sufficiency. He is majesty. He is our God. Our Creator and we the created. We must wor-ship Him, ascribing our full adoration to Him first and foremost. In spirit and truth. This is more than just a nice gesture out of gratitude, but a calling for His creation. In order for us, as human beings who were made in His image to thrive; living life not just passing it by. Having that full and abundant life that Jesus calls us to, must be lived in Him. Not out of sync with Him, but in sync. Led by Him, by His Spirit (meaning His breath, His essence, the core of who He is, the Spirit of God in us, His Ruwach).

Christ is in us, and we in Him. I want to focus on the part that says, 'we in Him'. Surely we know the difference of being showered with water versus being submerged under water. Big difference here, and really that is the reality of when we are walking uprightly in Christ, dead to self. And alive in Him. No longer tossed to and fro, but with a single mindedness of heart, set on Christ. Set on His Word. Set on who God really is, led by His Spirit, when we confessed and believed that Jesus Christ, His Son, died as ransom for our sins and was raised to life on the third day, and is coming back for us; this faith in Christ has made us His Children and heirs to the Kingdom by His grace. Such blessedness, such joy. Man, I tell ya, there is nothing more exciting than a God who is coming back for what is His. Us. We His children. So, let us let God be God in us. The creator, ruling over us the created; and we loving Him all the more for it.

"Lord reign in me, reign in your power 
Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour 
You are the Lord of all I am 
So won't you reign in me again"

Daniel CastaƱeda

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New Year...After a Run

So it seems to take me about a year to write a blog, ha. Hopefully, that will change from this point on!

So I just got back from a run, and well got a chance to think freely and meditate on some words a friend wrote on facebook, it went something like this:

All successes and failures in life are temporary. Don’t think of every failure as a loss. If we succeeded in everything we pursued, how would we ever grow to be something greater? You must look a little deeper to realize what you’ve gained when you feel you’ve lost it all. It is in the times of desperation and despair that we find ourselves again and realize our dire need of Him. Denise Carter

When I read this it put something in me. I mean, a seed that will not go with out bearing fruit. The point that I am wanting to share and make is this, that as I've been going and going about life. I have come to one conclusion- We need God!

That's really all there is to say about that. God is so so merciful that He would allow us to go through trials and tribulations, run into walls, etc. For us to realize that we need Him. With out Him, we are nothing. What I mean when I say that we need Him, is to be in love with Him, not only because He commands it, but because He knows - loving Him- wholeheartedly is the very best thing we could do in all of life. Loving God, is different from just knowing Him, because when you love Him, then you can actually be known by Him. That's a different story.

That in the end. He says, "Well done good and faithful servant." And we enter into His eternal rest and joy!!

Tonight, as I was running. I saw two things about my heart- the first is, the weakness of it, in my desire for Him. As the great writer of old, C.S. Lewis puts it, "Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak." And two- how if I'm not careful, if we're not careful, with our desires in our hearts, we can go astray so that our focus is not on Him, as our first love. But in His mercy -- He draws us and He woos us in, back to Himself.

The most important thing we need to do is - to love Him with all we have - heart, mind, soul & strength. Not just get through life - and be moral, be a good servant/good Christian, but to be empowered to truly love Him and to truly be loved by Him. That is what marked David's life, and one of the reason's why he was called, "A man after God's own heart." God will always be there to carry us through, by faith in His Son and by the Grace that has already been given to those that believe in Christ and Him crucified. We ought to have this mindset, that my life is no longer my own, but Christ's.

Really-- what are my light afflictions compared to the very weight of glory that awaits us!?

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” 2 Corinthians 4:17, NIV

Yeah, I also learned another thing that may be old knowledge per say- but truly what we think on or what we let our thoughts be, on a constant basis is what we will end up living out in the end. If thoughts of self piety, and defeat or even the "I am the victim" type of thought pattern- then that is what we will live out. Instead, we ought to have thoughts of victory and of a blessed mindset. This way, as a child of God and of His Kingdom- we will see that, God is in control - He holds it all together and will certainly perfect His work in us. Faith will again fill our hearts, so that they would not be troubled anymore - but be full of peace and we would enjoy Him forever!!

Grace and peace to ya!
Daniel Castaneda