Jennifer Tellez
Complacency Breeds Contempt
Complacency as defined in the dictionary reads, "Self satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual danger or deficiencies. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with anunawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy." Contempt is defined as, "the feeling with which a person regards anything considered mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn. The state of being despised; dishonor; disgrace."
We are halfway through 2009 and it has been an amazing year but, do not get comfortable! There is still a year to finish in Victory! Do not be compliant in your walk. You willfully show disobedience to God's will as you just continue in the "usual". It is a time to rejoice in all that he has accomplished for us this year, yes! But, do not sit back and relax. His successes in our lives has just begun. Now is the time when we need to sprint to the finish! I was able to participate in a Marathon at the beginning of this year and I did not train and only by God's strength I made it to the finish. I drew to him for all that I would need, I knew that I had nothing I would need! I am here to tell you that it is time to draw closer, go deeper, reach farther! It is him in us and not us that will make it to the finish line! Do not be conformed to the world but, be ready to transform everything around you. I know we are comforted with our successes and we just become satisfied as we are continuing with God in our usual ways. But, now is the time to look into our hearts and souls and just reach into the new heights of where he is taking us. As you are getting closer to his glory things will start to feel normal and life will have it's continued way. Do not be fooled, do not be deceived. I remember a dream the Lord showed me a long time ago where I was in a desert and there was a huge pool of water, it felt normal and I was ready to take a rest but, i was in danger. It was a mirage! I sensed there was something not right and I booked it out of there as fast as I could fly! There was a trap and the feeling of normal went away. The water began to move and a demon was waiting for me in the pool. I know it was just a dream but, do not take a rest in seeking God and pay attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. You will know something is wrong as you let him lead. Do not be deceived! The enemy is waiting for you to take a rest! Refresh yourself in the Lord and he will renew you! Do not continue to think things will work out if you are not working out! Work out your spiritual muscles, now is the time for a refreshing. Stop in your tracks and take the time to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Drink and your thirst will be quenched. This is the time to get the water you will need to finish this race at your best! Shout and praise at how far you have come and thank the Lord for your position this year but, we are only halfway there. Do not be hindered by your success. Success is a wonderful thing as long as it doesn't breed complacency. Strive for more! Don't take for granted your 1st place trophy. There is still more to come. Draw near to him, that he may draw near to you! You will need him! You cannot finish without him! You are completely deficient without him! Do not be automatic about seeking God's face! You need to look to him, for him with a new determination! With him, through him and in him all things are possible! We need to continue with an continued awareness of the source of our strength. When we are performing the same things on a continual basis we tend to grow habitual. And God needs us to desire his refreshing and renewing daily! There are ways we seek God that become repetitive in nature; pray, read the bible, worship, ect. Desire more! Find out what God needs you to do now and not what he had for you yesterday! We begin to take a more leisure and relaxed approach to life as we draw closer to our destination but, the destiny ahead of you is worth pursuing with a fierce passion. The passion for God is not just an off and on attempt, it must continuously be in the on position. Just because things feel fine doesn't mean they are, do not settle for just "fine". Feeling fine is our biggest threat when the enemy is waiting for us to drift into a state of mindlessness. Be mindful of what is familiar and make changes where God is leading you to. Find your strength in him! Let the spirit in you lead. Not by power or by strength, but by your spirit we are led! I pray this soaks into your spirit and allows you the refreshing you need to continue this race to the finish. I am already waiting and rejoicing with you in his Victory!
Jennnifer Tellez
Brown Bag Blessings
PO Box 22182
Houston TX, 77227
"Drawn near to God and he will draw near to you." -James 4:8
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