Listening to the Elevation Network as I type these words...
God will see you through. Sometimes I think we'd rather not have to go 'through' whatever it is that we are going through. Ha, nice try - but in His mercy He loves us too much not to allow us to go through things, or "trials" as mentioned in scripture. Simply because He is more interested in us being more like Him than like our broken selves.
A few days ago, I got to praying this:
"Oh Lord, may people only see you when they see me."
Or something like that. And after I heard myself say it aloud, I kind of freaked out a bit. Not because I don't desire to look more like my Father, but because the process sometimes can be just that...a process. I guess not so pleasant at times, mainly cause it involves dying. Dying to self, as our LORD Himself admonishes us to do, by taking up our cross & following Him.
These words - "Follow me." rang in the ears of twelve simple, common, folk like you & me. Twelve regular Joe-s that would one day help change the course of history forever. They took up their cross, drank from the cup of the Master. And fulfilled God's purpose for their lives to their generation. These honorable Christ imitators had to go through their fair share of difficulties. Some of them, really most of them; would end up going to their death as martyrs for Jesus. I'd say, that qualifies them as a people needing God to see them through it.
See, the Psalmist says it like this in the 23rd Psalm verse 4:
Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. (NLT)
He gets it. He knows that God will see him through. Saying it a little bit differently, here the Psalmist is indeed saying that the "darkest valley" is only but temporary. Perhaps, a blip of time or rather a longer journey. Irregardless, the place of pain, the dreaded trial is but for a moment. God will see him through. God will see us through. So even though we may walk "through" the darkest valley - oh yes. We shall not fear, because "God with us" Emmanuel is always faithful - He is always with us. In the text, he keeps on going & declaring...
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me
Wow, now there's a promise. It's very comforting to me to read this. Because when I read this I get a sense of God being near. God being close. Down there, that place of horror, that place of despair -- when it seems like the light of day may never come. Yes! He will see you through. He will see You through. He will see You through. Even 'til the end.
You & I have two simple choices. Stay in faith or not stay in faith. So what if _____ (fill in the blank) doesn't happen & I believed for nothing. Then what 'preacher'? Well, great question -- but what if you stay in faith, & the miraculous happens. Now, I'm not saying that it will always work how you'd want it to work when you stay in faith, but what I am saying is that your faith is the precious pearl here - worth the refinement that happens when we go through the thick stuff. I believe that no amount of faith is wasted. Never. I believe that God uses it all for His glory. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it doesn't feel good. But it is always, I repeat always towards the good plan that God has for us as His children. See Jeremiah 29:11.
He is good. He is good to all. It is who He is. What we are going through, or have to go through, or have gone through does not change who God is. He is the same yesterday, today, & forever. This is the God of love who loved the world so much so - that He would dare send His willing & obedient Son to die to redeem those who believe in Him. I know, and am confident that He will continue to be good to us & see us through. Many of times, we are crying out & saying 'God I just need a break, please give me a break!' but rather we are most in need of a breakthrough. And guess how the breakthrough comes? By staying in faith. That subtle confidence that helps bring God's grace to carry us through. His grace is enough. God will see you through. Stay in faith.
Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed by thy name, Your Kingdom come, in my life. Your will be done. Thank you that You give me the daily bread that I need, the daily mercies, the daily sustenance to help me go through whatever I need to go through. Lord, help me to forgive those who hurt me, or sin against me as you do the same for me when I hurt you & sin against You. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom, the glory & the power forever & ever. Amen.
With Love. And thanks for reading along.
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